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Memorias de lo Tangible : Lugares, Naturalezas y Materialidades en Contextos de Subordinación y Alteridad.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9874960728 987496071X Year: 2022 Publisher: Bogota : Universidad Nacional de Río Negro,

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Desde una mirada socioantropológica, esta obra ofrece nuevas herramientas y perspectivas teórico-metodológicas para discutir problemáticas vinculadas a los procesos de organización y subjetivación indígenas, así como para analizar procesos de memorias colectivas en contextos diversos. Se trata de indagaciones que buscan comprender la materialidad del mundo desde las formas de ser, habitar y recordar de grupos subordinados y alterizados, fundamentalmente, de la Patagonia argentina. De este modo, pampas, ceremoniales, cuerpos, volcanes, taperas, plantas medicinales, restos humanos, así como relatos y discursos, son recorridos en estas páginas a partir de diversas memorias para hacer posibles aproximaciones a la producción de disensos ontológicos y a la participación de lo tangible en nuestras formas de ser juntos.

Mobile Mapping : Space, Cartography and the Digital
ISBN: 9048535212 9462984530 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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This book presents the first in-depth discussion of how specific geographical and historical conditions shape the way in which mobile phone maps are read, deployed, and engaged with in daily life. Using a framework of mobile mapping, this concise study offers a radical analysis of the way local spatial and navigational practices are bound to global systems of knowledge and power. It argues that contemporary mobile mapping is imbued with multiple knowledges, pasts, spaces, and experiences, bringing to the fore complicated and tense relationships within cartographic and spatial assemblages. Working between media studies and geography, Clancy Wilmott underscores the transference of spatial knowledge between rational digital realms and tacit ways of understanding space and experience. Structured around a collection of seventeen interviews conducted while walking in and around Hong Kong and Sydney, Wilmott examines how potent discourses like cartographic reason continue to transform and weave through the world in ways that haunt mobile mapping, often resurrecting old conflicts in new media. In doing so, it offers an interdisciplinary rethinking of the ways in which cartographic media, urban space, and everyday knowledge is conceptualized and researched.

Las confesiones de don Juan Vazquez : con el apéndice documental
ISBN: 9972623203 282181531X 2821826478 Year: 2002 Publisher: Institut français d’études andines

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Créer en milagros es ganar un tiempo de esperanza cuando las expectativas palidecen. Así se piensa bajo la sombra de una enfermedad irredenta, de una deuda impaga o de un amor que no regresa. Pero la angustia impedirá que seamos nosotros mismos los que administremos el reacomodo de la situación. Alguien con más poder, conferido desde espacios ignotos, deberá ser quien nos ofrezca nuevas posibilidades. La difusión moderna de quienes pueden devolvernos la fe, es la expresión más tardía de una exitosa profesión, arte la Ilaman quienes la ejercen, que empezó hace miles de años en esta parte del mundo, aunque es seguro que se inició con la humanidad. Su práctica está rodeada de objetos conocidos, pero con funciones diferentes. Desde sus orígenes, el curandero suele manejar elementos de la naturaleza (plantas, minerales), a los que acompaía con fluidos y restos de animales y hombres (huesos, sangre, saliva) que se transorman en la magia que nos restaura el ánimo y nos empuja a seguir viviendo.


Magicians --- Witchcraft --- Magic --- Christianity --- Spiritual Therapies --- Religion --- Complementary Therapies --- Superstitions --- Humanities --- Therapeutics --- Culture --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Anthropology --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Catholicism --- Parapsychology & Occult Sciences --- History --- Roman Catholic Ethics --- Roman Catholicism --- Roman Catholics --- Catholic, Roman --- Catholicism, Roman --- Catholics, Roman --- Ethic, Roman Catholic --- Ethics, Roman Catholic --- Roman Catholic --- Roman Catholic Ethic --- Sorcery --- Sorceries --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Cultural Anthropology --- Ethnography --- Ethnographies --- Beliefs --- Cultural Background --- Customs --- Background, Cultural --- Backgrounds, Cultural --- Belief --- Cultural Backgrounds --- Cultures --- Custom --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Disease --- Conjurers --- Conjurors --- Enchanters --- Illusionists (Magicians) --- Legerdemainists --- Sorcerers --- Superstition --- Alternative Therapies --- Therapy, Alternative --- Therapy, Complementary --- Alternative Medicine --- Complementary Medicine --- Medicine, Alternative --- Medicine, Complementary --- Therapies, Alternative --- Therapies, Complementary --- Prayer --- Religious Beliefs --- Religious Ethics --- Beliefs, Religious --- Ethic, Religious --- Prayers --- Religions --- Religious Belief --- Exorcism --- Therapies, Spiritual --- Spiritual Healing --- Exorcisms --- Healing, Spiritual --- Healings, Spiritual --- Spiritual Healings --- Christian Ethics --- Stigmata --- Christian Ethic --- Ethic, Christian --- Ethics, Christian --- Magics --- Black art (Witchcraft) --- therapy --- Qualitative Research --- Entertainers --- Tricksters --- Wizards --- Spirit Possession --- Secularism --- Occultism --- Parapsychology --- Mind-Body Therapies --- Spirituality --- Wicca --- Material Culture --- Culture, Material --- Material Cultures --- Cultural Relativism --- Cultural Relativisms --- Relativism, Cultural --- Relativisms, Cultural --- Vázquez, Juan, --- Brujos y brujería --- Perú --- Estudio de casos. --- Vásquez, Juan,

Everyday Religiosity and the Politics of Belonging in Ukraine
ISBN: 1501764969 1501764977 1501764950 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cornell University Press

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"The Maidan protests of 2013-14 and the outbreak of a hybrid war in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 have led to an expansion of informal religious practices in public institutions, public space, and politics in Ukraine"--


Religion. --- Politics and government. --- Church and state. --- Christianity and politics --- Christianity and politics. --- Christianisme et politique --- Église et État --- Church and state --- Orthodox Eastern Church. --- Église orthodoxe --- Histoire --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- History --- Ukraine. --- Ukraine --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politics and government --- Church history --- Religion --- Christianity --- Church and politics --- Politics and Christianity --- Politics and the church --- Political science --- Christianity and state --- Separation of church and state --- State and church --- State, The --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Political aspects --- Law and legislation --- Eastern Orthodox Church --- Greek Church --- Holy Orthodox Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Church --- An Úcráin --- I-Yukreyini --- IYukreyini --- Malorosii︠a︡ --- Małorosja --- Oekraïne --- Ookraan --- Oukraïne --- Oykrania --- Petite-Russie --- U.S.R.R. --- Ucrægna --- Úcráin --- Ucraina --- Ucrania --- Ucrayena --- ʻUkelena --- Ukraïna --- Ukrainæ --- Uḳraʼinah --- Ukrainian Council Socialist Republic --- Ukrainian S.S.R. --- Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic --- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic --- Ukrainio --- Ukrainmudin Orn --- Ukraïnsʹka Radi︠a︡nsʹka Sot︠s︡ialistychna Respublika --- Ukrainska Radyanska Sotsialistychna Respublika --- Ukrainska Sotsialistychna Radianska Respublika --- Ukraïnsʹka Sot︠s︡ii︠a︡listychna Radi︠a︡nsʹka Respublika --- Ukrainskai︠a︡ Sovetskai︠a︡ Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ukrainskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika --- Ukrainujo --- Ukrajina --- Ūkrāniyā --- Ukranya --- Ukrayiina --- Ukrayina --- Ukrayna --- Ukuraina --- Ukyáña --- Wcráin --- Yn Ookraan --- Yr Wcráin --- Yukrain --- Ουκρανία --- Украинæ --- Украина --- Украинэ --- Украинмудин Орн --- Україна --- אוקראינע --- אוקראינה --- أوكرانيا --- ウクライナ --- 우크라이나 --- Ukraine (Hetmanate : 1648-1782) --- Europe --- Malorosii͡ --- Ukraïnsʹka Radi͡ansʹka Sot͡sialistychna Respublika --- Ukraïnsʹka Sot͡sii͡alistychna Radi͡ansʹka Respublika --- Ukrainskai͡a Sovetskai͡a Sot͡sialisticheskai͡a Respublika --- Ūkrāniy --- church-state relationship, ethnographies of belonging, ukrainian orthodoxy, religion and post-communism, independent orthodox church of ukraine, religious pluralism in ukraine.

Des sources du savoir aux médicaments du futur : actes du 4e Congrès européen d'ethnopharmacologie, 11-13 mai 2000, Metz, France
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2709915049 9782709915045 2709917807 Year: 2002 Publisher: IRD Éditions

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L'origine des pharmacopées traditionnelles L'élaboration des pharmacopées Les médicaments du XXIe siècle Comment les connaissances des savoirs thérapeutiques se sont-elles transmises au travers des différentes cultures ? Cet ouvrage innovant, qui réunit les travaux présentés au 4e Congrès européen d'ethnopharmacologie, fait remonter à la préhistoire les sources des connaissances thérapeutiques. Si les pharmacopées écrites jalonnent l'histoire des grandes médecines savantes, d'autres modes d'accès à la connaissance semblent exister dans l'univers chamanique des sociétés de tradition orale ainsi que dans la façon dont les animaux malades se soignent par les plantes. L'évaluation des propriétés pharmaco-toxicologiques et chimiques des plantes d'usage traditionnel devrait par ailleurs favoriser le développement futur des médicaments à base de plantes, l'un des thèmes porteurs abordés dans cet ouvrage. Mais l'objectif de ce livre est aussi de susciter, partout dans le monde, de nouvelles thématiques de recherche dans le domaine de la préhistoire du médicament et de la compréhension de l'acquisition et de la transmission du savoir. Le développement du phytomédicament non toxique destiné à l'homme et à l'animal figure également parmi les enjeux majeurs de demain. The origin of traditional pharmacopoeias The development of pharmacopoeias The medicines of the XXIth century How have the traditional Therapeutical knowledges been transmited to the différent cultures? This innovating book containing the proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Ethnopharmacology return to prehistory the sources of fherapeutical knowledge and asks how the animals cure themselves with plants. If the printing pharmacopoeias ponctuate the history of learning medicines other way of accessibility to the knowledge seems exist in the world of shaman in society with oral tradition. Ethnopharmacological evaluation of traditional médicinal plant should favour the development of phytomedicine. The…


Pharmacognosie --- Ethnobotanique --- Plantes médicinales --- Traditional medicine --- Medicinal plants --- Materia medica, Vegetable --- Pharmaceutical policy --- Complementary Therapies --- Culture --- Communication --- Plants --- Chemicals and Drugs --- Reference Books --- Information Science --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Behavior --- Books --- Eukaryota --- Therapeutics --- Anthropology --- Publications --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Organisms --- Communications Media --- Social Sciences --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Pharmaceutical Preparations --- Phytotherapy --- Medicine, Traditional --- Information Dissemination --- Plants, Medicinal --- Formularies as Topic --- Plante médicinale --- Drug plants --- Propriété pharmacologique --- medicinal properties --- Maladie de l'homme --- Human diseases --- Maladie des animaux --- Animal diseases --- Pharmacologie --- Pharmacology --- Éthnobotanique --- Ethnobotany --- world --- ETH Ethnobotany & Economic botany --- ethnobotany & economic botany --- ethnomedicine --- medicinal plants --- pharmacopoeia --- symposium proceedings --- Plantes médicinales --- Information Sciences --- Science, Information --- Sciences, Information --- Book, Reference --- Books, Reference --- Reference Book --- Healing Plants --- Medicinal Plants --- Pharmaceutical Plants --- Herbs, Medicinal --- Medicinal Herbs --- Healing Plant --- Herb, Medicinal --- Medicinal Herb --- Medicinal Plant --- Pharmaceutical Plant --- Plant, Healing --- Plant, Medicinal --- Plant, Pharmaceutical --- Plants, Healing --- Plants, Pharmaceutical --- Data Sharing --- Information Distribution --- Information Sharing --- Data Sharings --- Dissemination, Information --- Distribution, Information --- Information Sharings --- Sharing, Data --- Sharing, Information --- Sharings, Data --- Sharings, Information --- Indigenous Medicine --- Primitive Medicine --- Traditional Medicine --- Ethnomedicine --- Folk Medicine --- Folk Remedies --- Home Remedies --- Medicine, Folk --- Medicine, Indigenous --- Medicine, Primitive --- Folk Remedy --- Home Remedy --- Remedies, Folk --- Remedies, Home --- Remedy, Folk --- Remedy, Home --- Herbal Therapy --- Herb Therapy --- Pharmaceutic Preparations --- Pharmaceutical Products --- Preparations, Pharmaceutical --- Drugs --- Preparations, Pharmaceutic --- Products, Pharmaceutical --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Media, Communications --- Publication --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Disease --- Eucarya --- Eukarya --- Eukaryotes --- Eukaryotas --- Eukaryote --- Book Chapter --- Book --- Book Chapters --- Chapter, Book --- Chapters, Book --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- Cultural Anthropology --- Ethnography --- Ethnographies --- Plant --- Communication Programs --- Communications Personnel --- Misinformation --- Personal Communication --- Communication Program --- Communication, Personal --- Personnel, Communications --- Program, Communication --- Programs, Communication --- Beliefs --- Cultural Background --- Customs --- Background, Cultural --- Backgrounds, Cultural --- Belief --- Cultural Backgrounds --- Cultures --- Custom --- Alternative Therapies --- Therapy, Alternative --- Therapy, Complementary --- Alternative Medicine --- Complementary Medicine --- Medicine, Alternative --- Medicine, Complementary --- Therapies, Alternative --- Therapies, Complementary --- therapy --- Textbooks as Topic --- Drugs, Essential --- Pharmacognosy --- Ethnopharmacology --- Herbal Medicine --- Diffusion of Innovation --- Information Services --- Traditional Pulse Diagnosis --- Materia Medica --- Nostrums --- Plant Extracts --- Medicine, Mongolian Traditional --- Medical Marijuana --- Flower Essences --- Drug Dosage Calculations --- Qualitative Research --- Botany --- Plant Proteins --- Pharmaceuticals --- Material Culture --- Culture, Material --- Material Cultures --- Cultural Relativism --- Cultural Relativisms --- Relativism, Cultural --- Relativisms, Cultural --- Drug --- Pharmaceutical --- Pharmaceutical Preparation --- Pharmaceutical Product --- Preparation, Pharmaceutical --- Product, Pharmaceutical --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Social Communication --- Communication, Social --- Communications, Social --- Social Communications --- Organism Forms --- Psychology --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Traditional Medicine Practitioners --- Traditional medicine - Congresses. --- Medicinal plants - Congresses. --- Materia medica, Vegetable - Congresses. --- Pharmaceutical policy - Congresses. --- paludisme --- guérisseur --- médicament --- ethnobotanique --- médecine traditionnelle --- plante médicinale --- leishmaniose --- ethnopharmacologie --- pharmacopée

Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs : Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grasslands
ISBN: 0472904256 Year: 1999 Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press,

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"Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs examines the symbolic language of food, fertility, and infertility to illuminate the dynamics of social and cultural disintegration in a small, mountainous African kingdom." "In the Cameroon grassfields, an area of high fertility, women hold a paradoxical fear of infertility. By combining symbolic, political-economic, and historical analyses, Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg traces the way reproductive threat is invoked in struggles over gender and ethnic identities." "Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs should appeal to a broad audience in medical anthropology, public health, African studies, and women's studies as well as to development planners and population scientists."--Jacket


Fertilite humaine --- Femmes --- Sociale status. --- Voortplanting (biologie) --- Vrouwen. --- Bangangte. --- Population. --- Manners and customs. --- Human reproduction. --- Fertility, Human. --- Ethnology. --- Ethnologie. --- Reproduction humaine --- Fecondite humaine --- Femmes bangangte --- Women --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Infertility, Female --- Human reproduction --- Fertility, Human --- Women, Ngangte --- Sante et hygiene. --- Psychologie. --- Identite ethnique. --- psychology --- ethnology --- Health and hygiene. --- Psychology. --- Ethnic identity. --- Bangangte --- Kamerun --- Africa --- Maham (Cameroun) --- Cameroon --- Bangangte (Kingdom) --- Moeurs et coutumes. --- Social life and customs. --- Ngangte women --- Human fertility --- Natality --- Demography --- Infertility --- Human physiology --- Reproduction --- Reproductive health --- Reproductive rights --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Cultural Anthropology --- Material Culture --- Culture, Material --- Ethnographies --- Material Cultures --- Qualitative Research --- Ceremonies --- Customs, Social --- Folkways --- Social customs --- Social life and customs --- Traditions --- Usages --- Civilization --- Ethnology --- Etiquette --- Rites and ceremonies --- Human population --- Human populations --- Population growth --- Populations, Human --- Economics --- Human ecology --- Sociology --- Malthusianism --- Attitude envers les femmes --- Et les femmes --- Femme --- Relations avec les femmes --- Architecture et femmes --- Beauté féminine --- Femmes et diplomatie --- Femmes et ésotérisme --- Femmes et forces armées --- Femmes et guerre --- Femmes et justice --- Femmes et littérature --- Femmes et mafia --- Femmes et mer --- Femmes et musique --- Femmes et paix --- Femmes et politique --- Femmes et religion --- Femmes et technologie --- Femmes et urbanisme --- Homme --- Internet et femmes --- Matriarcat --- Médias et femmes --- Prénoms féminins --- Crimes contre les femmes --- Psychanalyse et femmes --- Travail des femmes --- Vêtements de femme --- Éducation des femmes --- Études sur les femmes --- Féminisme --- Féminité --- Aventurières --- Bienfaitrices --- Ex-prostituées --- Femmes abandonnées --- Femmes âgées --- Femmes artistes --- Femmes ascètes --- Femmes au foyer --- Femmes autochtones --- Femmes automobilistes --- Femmes chamanes --- Femmes coolies --- Brus --- Femmes copistes --- Femmes critiques d'art --- Femmes d'âge moyen --- Femmes dans la vie publique --- Femmes diplômées --- Femmes du monde --- Femmes enceintes --- Femmes esclaves --- Femmes fatales --- Collectionneuses d'art --- Femmes imams --- Femmes mariées --- Femmes mystiques --- Femmes nullipares --- Femmes pédophiles --- Femmes philosophes --- Femmes préhistoriques --- Femmes rabbins --- Femmes seules --- Femmes surdouées --- Consommatrices --- Femmes tondues --- Femmes victimes de violence --- Filles --- Guérisseuses --- Guerrières --- Handicapées --- Héroïnes --- Hôtesses --- Immigrées --- Impératrices --- Criminelles --- Inventrices --- Jeunes femmes --- Joueuses d'échecs --- Lesbiennes --- Malades mentales --- Mères --- Métisses --- Oratrices --- Pionnières --- Pleureuses --- Dames d'honneur --- Prisonnières --- Prostituées --- Publics féminins --- Réfugiées --- Reines --- Reines d'Arles --- Reines de beauté --- Relations entre femmes --- Religieuses --- Soeurs --- Égéries --- Sorcières --- Sportives --- Tantes --- Voyageuses --- Espionnes --- Étrangères --- Femelles --- Fécondité humaine --- Stérilité --- Réserve ovarienne --- esthétique --- Loisirs --- philosophie --- théologie --- Fertilité --- Cameroons --- United Republic of Cameroon --- Republic of Cameron --- République Fédérale du Cameroun --- République du Cameroun --- Federal Republic of Cameroon --- Republic of Cameroon --- République Unie du Cameroun --- République fédérale du Cameroun --- République unie du Cameroun --- Vereinigte Republik Kamerun --- West Cameroon --- Kameruner --- Cameroun --- Southern Cameroons --- 1960 --- -Banganté --- Banganté --- -Social life and customs.

Experiencing the New Genetics : Family and Kinship on the Medical Frontier
ISBN: 0812217209 9786613211071 1283211076 0812200608 Year: 2010 Publisher: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press,

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Over the past several decades there has been an explosion of interest in genetics and genetic inheritance within both the research community and the mass media. The science of genetics now forecasts great advances in alleviating disease and prolonging human life, placing the family and kin group under the spotlight.In Experiencing the New Genetics, Kaja Finkler argues that the often uncritical presentation of research on genetic inheritance as well as the attitudes of some in the biomedical establishment contribute to a "genetic essentialism," a new genetic determinism, and the medicalization of kinship in American society. She explores some of the social and cultural consequences of this phenomenon. Finkler discovers that the new genetics can turn a healthy person into a perpetual patient, complicate the redefinition of the family that has been occurring in American society for the past few decades, and lead to the abdication of responsibility for addressing the problem of unhealthy environmental conditions. Experiencing the New Genetics will assist scholars and general readers alike in making sense of this timely and multifaceted issue.


#VCV monografie 2000 --- Families --- Families. --- Heredity, Human --- Kinship. --- Medical genetics --- Social aspects. --- Kinship --- Heredity in humans --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- Anthropology / General --- Anthropology --- Biomedical Research --- Biology --- Genotype --- Psychology, Social --- Medicine --- Disease Susceptibility --- Sociology --- Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities --- Behavioral Sciences --- Diseases --- Genetic Phenomena --- Disease Attributes --- Social Sciences --- Health Occupations --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Research --- Biological Science Disciplines --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Science --- Phenomena and Processes --- Natural Science Disciplines --- Pathologic Processes --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Genetics, Medical --- Adoption --- Genetic Determinism --- Genetics, Behavioral --- Genetic Research --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Genetics --- Genetic Predisposition to Disease --- Genetic Diseases, Inborn --- Social & Cultural Anthropology --- Ethnology --- Clans --- Consanguinity --- Kin recognition --- Eugenics --- Human beings --- Prenatal influences --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Constitution --- Genetic Diseases --- Genetic Disorders --- Hereditary Disease --- Inborn Genetic Diseases --- Single-Gene Defects --- Hereditary Diseases --- Defect, Single-Gene --- Defects, Single-Gene --- Disease, Genetic --- Disease, Hereditary --- Disease, Inborn Genetic --- Diseases, Genetic --- Diseases, Hereditary --- Diseases, Inborn Genetic --- Disorder, Genetic --- Disorders, Genetic --- Genetic Disease --- Genetic Disease, Inborn --- Genetic Disorder --- Inborn Genetic Disease --- Single Gene Defects --- Single-Gene Defect --- Predisposition, Genetic --- Susceptibility, Genetic --- Genetic Predisposition --- Genetic Susceptibility --- Genetic Predispositions --- Genetic Susceptibilities --- Predispositions, Genetic --- Susceptibilities, Genetic --- Genetic Testing --- Anticipation, Genetic --- Genetic Association Studies --- Gene-Environment Interaction --- Genetic Structures --- Cultural Anthropology --- Material Culture --- Ethnography --- Culture, Material --- Ethnographies --- Material Cultures --- Qualitative Research --- Research, Genetic --- Behavioral Genetics --- Psychogenetics --- Behavior --- Sociobiology --- Extended Family --- Family Life Cycle --- Family Research --- Filiation --- Kinship Networks --- Relatives --- Family Life Cycles --- Family Members --- Family, Reconstituted --- Stepfamily --- Extended Families --- Families, Extended --- Families, Reconstituted --- Family Member --- Family, Extended --- Kinship Network --- Life Cycle, Family --- Life Cycles, Family --- Network, Kinship --- Networks, Kinship --- Reconstituted Families --- Reconstituted Family --- Research, Family --- Stepfamilies --- Grandparents --- Pathological Processes --- Processes, Pathologic --- Processes, Pathological --- Determinism, Genetic --- Adoptions --- Child, Adopted --- Medical Genetics --- Anthropology, Physical --- Chromosome Disorders --- Sex Chromosome Disorders --- Molecular Medicine --- Symptoms and General Pathology --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Natural Sciences --- Physical Sciences --- Discipline, Natural Science --- Disciplines, Natural Science --- Natural Science --- Natural Science Discipline --- Physical Science --- Science, Natural --- Science, Physical --- Sciences, Natural --- Sciences, Physical --- Sciences --- Biologic Sciences --- Biological Science --- Science, Biological --- Sciences, Biological --- Biological Sciences --- Life Sciences --- Biologic Science --- Biological Science Discipline --- Discipline, Biological Science --- Disciplines, Biological Science --- Life Science --- Science Discipline, Biological --- Science Disciplines, Biological --- Science, Biologic --- Science, Life --- Sciences, Biologic --- Sciences, Life --- Laboratory Research --- Research Activities --- Research and Development --- Research Priorities --- Activities, Research --- Activity, Research --- Development and Research --- Priorities, Research --- Priority, Research --- Research Activity --- Research Priority --- Research, Laboratory --- Ethics, Research --- Health Professions --- Health Occupation --- Health Profession --- Profession, Health --- Professions, Health --- Occupations --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Attribute, Disease --- Attributes, Disease --- Disease Attribute --- Genetic Concepts --- Genetic Phenomenon --- Genetic Process --- Genetic Processes --- Concept, Genetic --- Concepts, Genetic --- Genetic Concept --- Phenomena, Genetic --- Phenomenon, Genetic --- Process, Genetic --- Processes, Genetic --- Molecular Biology --- Proxemics --- Behavioral Science --- Proxemic --- Science, Behavioral --- Sciences, Behavioral --- Disorders, Congenital --- Congenital Disorders --- Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities --- Congenital Disorder --- Disorder, Congenital --- General Social Development and Population --- Susceptibility, Disease --- Diathesis --- Diatheses --- Disease Susceptibilities --- Susceptibilities, Disease --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- Psychology, Perceptual --- Social Psychology --- Perceptual Psychology --- Genogroup --- Genogroups --- Genotypes --- Genotyping Techniques --- Experimental Medicine --- Investigational Medicine --- Investigative Medicine --- Research, Biomedical --- Research, Medical --- Medical Research --- Medicine, Experimental --- Medicine, Investigational --- Medicine, Investigative --- Animals, Laboratory --- Clinical genetics --- Heredity of disease --- Human genetics --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Genetic disorders --- genetics --- Genetic aspects --- Psychology --- Factors, Psychological --- Psychological Factors --- Psychological Side Effects --- Psychologists --- Psychosocial Factors --- Side Effects, Psychological --- Factor, Psychological --- Factor, Psychosocial --- Factors, Psychosocial --- Psychological Factor --- Psychological Side Effect --- Psychologist --- Psychosocial Factor --- Side Effect, Psychological --- Vocations --- Occupation --- Vocation --- Occupational Groups --- Anthropology. --- Caregiving. --- Folklore. --- Health. --- Linguistics. --- Medicine. --- Public Policy. --- Sociology.

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